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New Year, New Me (2022 Resolutions) | Writer's Blog #6

Updated: Jan 10, 2022

[ January 5, 2022 ]

It’s that time of year, once again. Kendall hates it. The insufferable promises and goals that people make for themselves, but they hardly ever fulfill them. I caught myself promising to my boyfriend that I’d try to remember to clean around the house more often and do the dishes more frequently, both of which I’ll probably continue failing to do.

During the last hours of 2021, I was discussing New Year's resolutions with one of my close friends. There are a few that I have made to myself with the actual intent of sticking to them.

Twitter Promotion

My self-publishing journey began in October of 2020. From there, I used both Facebook and Instagram to promote. Initially, after getting Kendall to join me on the writer's road, I got into promoting on Twitter. Quickly, it went downhill with creeps and perverts tweeting out things that were unsettling and directed towards Kendall. So, mutually, the two of us stepped out of the Twitter spotlight.

This year, my first resolution is to return to Twitter and promote, as well as take a step into Twitter's #WritingCommunity.

Slim Down My Current WIP

For those not familiar with what a WIP is, it means Work In Progress. Currently, I have at least 18 stories on my to-do list. It is going to take some real cracking down in order to cut this list down to a reasonable size. I'm usually full of pride, but I am going to need Kendall's help.

Live Life Away from My Computer

Last year, I spent more time at my computer than I did doing anything else. I hope that I can avoid doing that. I know, that probably sounds like it will take me away from my other two NYRs, but not necessarily. Well, it might keep me from accomplishing No. #2.

My Netflix watchlist is growing more and more, as well as the reading list of books that Kendall and I plan to read for our Bestie Book Club. I am also looking forward to more movies nights with my boyfriend, Skype calls with my sister, and getting out beyond the walls of my house.

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