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Questions & Answers

Ask Me Anything!
I'm an Open Book!

Questions & Answers: Welcome
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Question #1   [06 / 11 / 21]   Which of the character(s) in your book(s) do you relate to the most and why?

  • NATHAN: I mostly relate to Masen Shayfold (main character of The Enchanted Saga) because most of my soul is weaved into his personality. However, there are elements of Masen that are way more mature than I myself am.​

Question #2   [06 / 25 / 21]   How long have you been writing or when did you start?

  • NATHAN: I’ve been writing ever since 9th grade, I believe. I wrote a short story with my grandma called Impossible. It was about a unicorn. After that, I got into fictional journaling… From there, the rest is history.

Question #3   [07 / 14 / 21]   How did you come up with the titles for the books in the Adventures of Callie & Elijah?

  • KENDALL: They’re named after Kelly Clarkson songs. I’m a huge fan, and I’ve been obsessed with her since her American Idol days.

  • NATHAN: Well, Kendall basically answered the whole question… I will add that I originally suggested naming them after Taylor Swift songs. I think the titles I chose were You're Not Sorry, Long Live, and Wildest Dreams.

Question #4   [08 / 06 / 21]   Who has been the biggest supporter of your writing?

  • NATHAN: Well, that’s an easy one. Kendall and I have always been big supports of one another. If it wasn’t for me, she wouldn’t be a self-published author. Aside from ourselves, support also comes from my two friends, Ken and Kellee.

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Question #5   [10 / 08 / 21]   If you were to write a spin-off about a side character, which would you pick?

  • NATHAN: Hmm. That’s a tough one. I have a few spin-off ideas, but… SPOILERS! I think I could go back and explore backgrounds for Rapunzel and Isabelle. I also think a sequel involving the Masen’s triplets could be interesting, too.

Question #6   [10 / 15 / 21]   Do either of you listen to music while you write — If so, what’s your favorite?

  • NATHAN: I listen to my music on shuffle, but generally, I swap between Demi Lovato, some old Taylor Swift, and whatever else I feel will inspire me to get through the current scene I'm writing.

Question #7   [10 / 29 / 21]   Have you ever considered writing under a pseudonym, and why or why not?

  • NATHAN: I considered it once, but I decided against it. I'll tell you why, and it's gonna sound silly. A year or so ago, I dreamt that I was signing books at a store and Marilyn Monroe was in line to buy my book. I idolized her for a really long time. However, in the dream, she didn't want me to sign the book because it didn't have MY name on it. I decided when I woke up that if I was gonna publish my stuff, it would have to be under my real name.

Question #8   [11 / 19 / 21]   What’s your writing software of choice?

  • NATHAN: I work well with Microsoft Word, along with the premium Grammarly add-on for editing. However, when writing with Kendall, we both write on a shared document on Google Docs.

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Forest (Variety) [Masen_McCray].jpg

Question #9   [01 / 14 / 22]   Are there any books or authors that inspired you to become a writer?

  • NATHAN: My first completed story was inspired by the style of Jeff Kinney's Diary of Wimpy Kid and Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series. It was called The Ma$en Chronicles. I've also always wanted a book-verse where my books are set in the same universe, like most of Stephen King's books.

Question #10   [03 / 11 / 22]   If your book were made into a movie, which actors would play your characters?

NATHAN: That's a funny question. I always think of this question when I'm writing a book series. The visual aids help me picture the character in my mind. Most of my visuals for the Enchanted Saga came from HBO's Game of Thrones. If I could get them all to play my characters in a movie or TV series, it would be perfect.

  • Masen Shayfold (Finn Jones)

  • Braeghn Barlet (Gethin Anthony)

  • Audrey Rowan (Natalie Dormer)

  • Talia Rose (Diana Rigg)

Question #11   [05 / 13 / 22]   What do you think is the best way to improve writing skills?

  • NATHAN: The best way, for me, is to take creative writing courses online. They've helped me so much recently and I can see a difference in the new stories that I'm writing.

Question #12   [06 / 10 / 22]   At what time of the day do you do most of your writing?

  • NATHAN: Most of my time writing is done after 9 PM. I have a day job that occupies a great deal of my time. I write during the day on my days off, but I don't always get it done.

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Question #13   [07 / 22 / 22]   Do you prefer eBooks, printed books, or audiobooks most of the time?

  • NATHAN: I find myself too easily distracted to focus on an eBook. I read much better with a printed book, preferably a hardcover. With that said, I have a busy schedule that involves my day job, as well as writing and editing, so usually don't get to carve out time to read physical books. That's where audiobooks come in handy.

Question #14   [08 / 02 / 22]   What is the best money you’ve ever spent regarding your writing?

  • NATHAN: Well, aside from writing my books, I do everything else on my own, too. That includes editing, cover creation, formatting, and marketing. So, the best money I ever spent was purchasing the premium package of Grammarly, which takes a lot of editorial pressure off me.

Question #15   [10 / 14 / 22]   What inspired one of the ideas for your book(s)?

  • NATHAN: Well, Enchanted and Wonderstruck were both heavily inspired by ABC’s Once Upon a Time, as well as the written roleplay group that I was a part of on Facebook in 2016. Also, a lot of the upcoming stories that I have planned are inspired by strange dreams that I’ve had and woken up from.

Question #16   [12 / 16 / 22]   When you’re writing an emotional or difficult scene, how do you set the mood?

  • NATHAN: I have a playlist of sad songs on my iTunes that instantly help me channel the specific kind of emotional mood that I need to be in. Although I suffer from sporadic depression, so it can be challenging and dangerous to do emotional scenes.

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Forest (Variety) [Masen_McCray].jpg

Question #17   [01 / 13 / 22]   How many hours a day do you write?

  • NATHAN: I don't always get very much time to write, but when I do (on off days from my day job), I try to put in at least half the day. I write by the seat of my pants, so I really just try to write even when I get a little bit of time.

Question #18   [03 / 16 / 23]   What book(s) are you currently reading?

NATHAN: Actually, personally, I just finished reading The Time Traveler's Wife. It was an incredible book. Next on the queue for the Bestie Book Club is the Cousins O'Dwyer series by Nora Roberts. I'm excited to give those a read.

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